
Posts Tagged ‘photograph’

After a while of tossing around the idea, and a few weeks of struggling with the final decisions, Donald Verger has a new calendar hot off the press! Inspired by various poster calendars, including those by Linnea Design, Dana Heacock, and Kate Libby, Donald Verger decided that a poster calendar would be a great way to make his photography serve a function, while still being a beautiful piece of art.

We began our process by choosing the best images to suit the design. There were plenty of brilliant images to choose from, and the only problem was, there were so many we wanted to include! Ultimately we gathered together the opinions of friends, family, strangers, professionals, and a few enthusiastic Starbucks employees, in order to choose the final twelve.

The final week or two of design was an incredible amount of work. For a product that appears so fresh and simple, there are a lot of details that need to be taken into account. Hours were spent debating issues such as the size of the font, whether or not we should have borders, the weight of the paper, the packaging, and so much more! It’s much easier said than done.

Choosing the final details of the cover were also difficult, but ultimately we chose Verger’s signature image Dawn of Peace to represent the very first of the collectible poster calendars. We also decided on using Verger’s actual signature on the cover as our special touch.

The final creation consists of twelve striking images that range from bold lighthouses, to brilliant blossoms, fall foliage, and much more. The dates are subtly placed over the image, so as not to take away from the photograph. They also fit a standard 11×14 frame and can be hung individually or all together.

Watch for updates! More to come… but for now take a look at the calendar!

Special thanks to the folks at Linnea Design and Annie Catherine who were a huge help in this process!

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Slowly, more and more of Donald Verger‘s beautiful photography is being made available as Fine Art posters. Here is a current list with a little information about each photo, there will be more to come! To purchase any of these posters, click on the title below the image. All posters fit a standard 18×24 poster frame, and make a great gift.

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse- Acadia National Park

Donald Verger was on his way to Manchester when he heard that up in Acadia, Maine there would be a strong autumn storm with winds whipping up to 50mph. He immediately turned around and made his way to Acadia where the bad weather would provide the opportunity for some beautiful pictures. Now, he’s added this image of Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse into the series of fine art posters. This image was taken in the morning, though it was to be the middle of the storm, a calm morning can be seen as the clouds move in.


Dawn of Peace

This is one of Verger’s signature images, taken at sunrise when it was -30 degrees. The fog is surreal and peaceful as it lifts off the glassy lake. The subtle array of colors in this image make for a stunning scene.


Storm at Nubble Lighthouse

This image was taken during the Patriot’s Day Storm, April ’07. Verger made it to the lighthouse that day, taking thousands of pictures of the raging waves and churning muddy ocean. “This was something extraordinary I don’t expect to see again in my lifetime,” Verger explained while describing the featured image. An entire post about this image is available here.


Under the Rainbow- Nubble Lighthouse

An image of Nubble with a storm breaking up while revealing a very bright rainbow.


Rainbow at Portland Head Light

Another image of a colorful rainbow, but of Portland Head Light instead. The dramatic light of sunset make the bold red roof even more rich and vibrant, and the lighthouse looks stunning in the glow.


Nubble Lighthouse- A Bright Beacon

Verger once again captures a serene moment, the clouds appear painted in the light of sunset, and Nubble Lighthouse glows vibrant orange. The intensity and surreal beauty of this image is sure to make the photograph visually rewarding in such a large format, and a favorite of this series.


Summer’s Peace

A bright image full of peaceful summer sunlight. Surrounded by nature, the colorful laundry makes this a very playful photograph.


Sunflowers- Farmer’s Market

A warm summery shot of these beautiful and bold flowers fills this image with warmth and smiles. Taken at Portland Farmer’s Market, in Maine, where fresh local food and flowers are available.


Thunder Hole- Acadia National Park

An energetic blast of water sprays into the air, Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park.


Lightning Strike- Portland Head Light

This is a great sweeping view of the shore, a fantastic shot of the blue sea. The clouds seem to be racing through, and a bolt of lightning can be scene striking down to earth behind the famous lighthouse. Cool blues and moody lighting look great in this image.

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